Monday, August 1, 2011

As sisters in Zion...

An exceptional ExMo relief society meeting was held this past weekend.  But unlike MoMo meetings, it wasn't scheduled a year in advance and no meetings were held to plan it.  It was thrown together at the last minute as texts flew and hotel rooms were booked.  Then on Saturday night a motley crew of women in various stages of maturity (both mental and physical) descended on downtown Salt Lake City.  The center of Zion.

We, of course, needed piano accompaniment for our hymns so this epic homemaking was held at a piano bar.  We all belted out "Rock You Like a Hurricane" and "Piano Man" and many others that I can't remember because I was snockered on shots of Patron with a pickle juice chaser and raspberry mojitos.  Yeah, no Hawaiian haystacks and water for OUR refreshments.

Fanny came and brought her awesome friend, Twinkie.   Twinkie showed the true spirit of sisterhood when she grabbed my hand and asked, "Are you a sit-in-the-back girl like me?  Well, let's dance!"  And the two of us got up and danced right there in the window of that bar on Main Street.  We shook our half-century-old asses and didn't care what people thought.  Now THAT'S empowering.

We could have been sedately planning a workshop on using our food storage and quietly gossiping about all the juicy news that leaked out of the last bishopric meeting.  But instead we opened up and really got to know each other and accepted without judgment. These are the women that have held my hair while I vomited after too much drinking.  They've listened while I unloaded my confusion and fear and tried to make some sense of my life.  They know the worst about me and are still my friends. THAT is the true spirit of sisterhood. 

Now, if I'd just gotten a picture of four well-endowed sisters sitting two deep in a pedicab being pulled by a skinny little girl named Veronica in the wee hours of the morning.


  1. Awesome. That is so much better than RS Homemaking Night -- instead real personal enrichment! :D

  2. We're going to make this a quarterly event. Just like Homemaking. But way more fun.

  3. Just the way real and authentic friends should be. Love it.

  4. And "Twinkie" held my hair back while I puked my guts out and told her how much I loved her.(about 400 times, she said)... Real sisterhood bonding.

  5. CD, "real and authentic" being the keys words. Not assigned friends like visiting teachers.

    Fanny, that is the true test of a friend. Only someone that really loves you will hold your hair.

  6. Too bad it took place on the one weekend your sister was in town for the first time in a year! Guess I know where I rate... Then again, I don't hold your hair.

  7. I was only away from my sister for a few hours! And you got some really good mocking material out of my drunken state.

  8. That's a great spirit of sisterhood. There are few people that we can consider true sisters. You're so lucky to have them.
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