Sunday, May 22, 2011

Sunday, Slutty Sunday -- or -- Holy F*ck!

Maybe it's the hours days that I've been poring over pictures and descriptions of sex toys.  Maybe it's the fact that I've only had battery power for a while.  But my mind is drifting to the gutter.  Not only drifting but lounging there and reveling in it. 

So while my sheeple family toddle off to church to drink from the fountain of knowledge I shall share my heathenistic and slutty thoughts.

Maybe I'll get this tattoo and make it my company logo.

Either someone has a phallic fascination or I've been looking at too many dildos.  All of them circumcised, strangely enough.

What my lady parts are turning into.

I can't wait to try some of the stuff I've been looking at. 

Maybe I'll just build me a mechanical man and make him sort of a swiss army knife of sex toys. Oh!  Imagine if he had vibrators for fingers!  Various dildo attachments to fit any mood!  I just might be on to something.

I'm really envying that lioness about now... but at least I don't have to put up with a male attitude afterwards.  Oh, and did you know they make various animal penis dildos right here in Utah?!  Goat dildo, anyone? 

And speaking of Easter, have you seen those cool new egg-shaped vibrators?  They come in pretty colors, too.  Some even have remote controls.

And this wouldn't be complete without a picture of boobs.  Or boobies in this case.


  1. Awesome pics. I know that lion pic is true.

    Oh, and thanks for the landscaping idea! Gotta try that. Gives a whole new meaning to the term "bush" ...

  2. Sounds like you could use a good, hard workout. Or perhaps just exercise. Either way, I can recommend a pretty decent personal trainer :)

  3. OMG. I feel your pain. My husband is in Idaho and I've been in New York for a month. I am really hurtin' for a squirtin'. (I dunno, I think I heard that one on a movie recently or something). lol. And all my toys got left in Idaho somehow. Ahhhh!
