Tuesday, February 22, 2011

I'm hatin'...

I hate whiners.  They bug the hell out of me.  Just do something about the situation and shut the hell up already!  So I'm putting myself on notice.  No more whining!  The sun is shining (for the moment) I've got work, friends, and great kids.  My eldest brought me flowers and a funny card Sunday night to cheer me up.  Who needs to whine when I've got kids like that?  I'm looking on the bright side of life!  And I've got Vegas, baby...


  1. Darn right you've got Vegas. Plane tickets have been bought, the house has been paid for. Tex, H and I have our room at the Gay Spring Break hotel all booked. AND we get to meet you and Fanny in person! Bring it on, March!

  2. Ooooohhhhh.... soooo excited! Hopefully this'll be good therapy for you and you can whine all you want.

    What's this about the Gay Spring Break hotel??? Am I missing something???

  3. Fanny--A few of us who are flying have to fly in Sunday evening. Since we can't have the rental house until Monday morning, we booked a suite at Rumor Hotel for the night. Then Tex noticed that Gay Spring Break kicks off at the hotel that night. So, it should be a VERY fun start to an even more fun week.

  4. Gays, booze and sun. Sounds like heaven to me.

  5. Sometimes I like a little wine. I'm fucking jealous about Vegas ... although it's only about 6ish hours from here ...

    On a totally unrelated tangent, Adam's flaccid penis in the above painting is nothing to shake a stick at, is it? Don't you think the first man would have a more impressive package? It looks like a worm crawled out of his crotch and sat on his leg.

  6. Ow moy gawd! I was just writing a blog post about that very thing! Well, not THAT very thing but something damn close.
